Project BackgroundAs directed by the SJCOG Board of Directors, the purpose of this study is to deliver a transformative package of prioritized system improvements to address critical multimodal travel needs within the greater Roth Road Corridor study area. The identified improvements will serve to leverage past and pending system investments along I-5 at Lathrop Road and Louise Avenue as well as other investments in the corridor. The ultimate goal is to improve essential freight and rail operations and access needs to the National Network (I-5 and SR 99). This in turn will serve to redistribute regional freight traffic off local roadways whose primary function is to serve neighborhood and commercial area traffic. This will allow these local roadways to better achieve low-stress, safe, multimodal, “Complete Street” oriented environments.
The improvement package will accommodate growing truck traffic served by Roth Road, which is a primary route to access I-5. This includes the expansion of the Union Pacific Intermodal Facility that will nearly triple daily average truck round trips, and the Defense Depot San Joaquin Sharp facility and CenterPoint also contribute significant truck traffic. There are several at-grade rail crossings along Roth Road that will experience heavier truck volumes, and have higher rail activity. Trucks destined for southbound SR 99 traverse several roadways that were never intended to function as significant truck routes. These include Airport Road, Lathrop Road, and Louise Road. Given the significant amount of residential development planned west of I-5 at Louise Avenue in the City of Lathrop, diverting truck traffic off of Lathrop Road, Louise Avenue and Airport Way is very desirable and would facilitate City plans to allow these roadways to function more as Complete Streets (per AB 1358). The study area includes a diverse mix of land use types and regional activity centers that have competing transportation objectives. The residential neighborhoods desire safe and convenient travel options while minimizing truck activity in sensitive areas, while the local and regional freight and rail systems desire efficient routes to the warehouse distribution centers and convenient and consistent access to statewide freight and highway systems. As such, this study requires close coordination and consensus building to deliver a balanced mix of transportation investments and regional solutions that benefit several location communities, including the Cities of Lathrop and Manteca, San Joaquin County, and Caltrans District 10. Once a prioritized and phased constrained and unconstrained project list is developed for the Roth Road corridor, an AB1600 compliant funding and financial component will then be developed to guide implementation of the preferred Roth Road corridor concept and associated improvements. |
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